I Can Help...
Transform your business with tailored strategies and expert guidance.
With decades of experience driving remarkable growth, I’m here to help you achieve extraordinary success.
Need help or advice with your business or marketing? Let me bring new ideas, seasoned experience, and know-how to get the job done...
Want to increase or kick-start your sales? My team and I can measurably and significantly increase your sales and revenue with powerful and time tested sales campaigns...
Looking to grow and develop your business? I can help build your customer base, assist you in expanding into new markets, and help you plan your exit strategy...
Direct sales via the internet, telephone or salaried or commission-only sales agents, is a major method of distribution for many businesses and industries. I can help you boost your current activities or build this as a new distribution channel...
Want to increase or kick-start your sales? My team and I can measurably and significantly increase your sales and revenue with powerful and time tested sales campaigns...
Need a trainer or speaker who walks the talk? Bespoke training courses in business development, results-based marketing, campaign marketing, sales, motivation, positioning and entrepreneurship...
With over 35 years of experience and four companies grown from zero to multi-million dollar ventures within the first 12 months, I bring a unique perspective and deep understanding of both the UK and Australian markets.
As a dual national, I have successfully run and owned companies in Australia and have trained and worked with numerous Australian business consultants. Even while living in the UK, I stayed current with prevailing business practices in Australia which means that I bring both a global viewpoint and local expertise to help your business thrive.
Throughout my career, I’ve empowered numerous businesses to break through stagnation and reach new heights in sales, customer acquisition, and profitability. For instance, I helped a client achieve £35 million ($70 million) in revenue from zero in just two and a half years. Recently, I enabled another client to secure a £1.2 million ($2.4 million) windfall with an additional £600K ($1.2 million) recurring annually, at very little cost to them.
Over the past 20 years, I’ve also trained or mentored thousands of entrepreneurs and businesspeople through my in marketing, sales, and business development courses, some of whom have gone on to achieve huge success.
My work is not just a profession—it's a passion.
I’ve also authored around twenty proprietary manuals on business and marketing, had books published including a college manual and "Out Of The Box Marketing," and provided expert opinions on TV, radio, and other media, including a feature in the UK Channel 4 documentary "How The Other Half Live."
My consulting services are designed to provide you with the practical knowledge, tools, and processes necessary to excel in today’s competitive market. Whether you're facing stagnant sales or seeking to boost your business’s performance or just require a set of 'fresh eyes', I offer customised solutions that address your unique business challenges.
Let’s have a chat about working together to transform your business and unlock its full potential.
Excerpt from my book:
"American astronauts upon first going into space soon discovered that their pens didn’t work in zero gravity. So NASA embarked upon a program to invent a writing instrument that would work in outer space... After spending millions of dollars and burning thousands of man-hours on research and engineering, they finally developed a "pump pen" that could write anything, anywhere, at any angle.
Meanwhile, in the secret laboratories behind the Iron Curtain, Soviet Union scientists casually took note of the researches of their American counterparts. They spent almost no time and no money solving this problematic dilemma. They already had the answer, their cosmonauts used… pencils."
The 50 Billion Dollar Man
"David Abingdon is certainly an 'out of the box' phenomenon! In the almost 20 years I've known him he's built 4 multi-million pound sterling organisation's from scratch..."
Australian Real Estate Entrepreneur
"David is an amazing entrepreneur who has notched up some very impressive business successes... A great mentor of world class knowledge and professionalism."
Entrepreneur, London, UK
"I've been tracking David's business career over the last 18 years and his direct approach often shocks business owners and entrepreneurs. But time and again his strategies turn out to be nicely profitable."
Bus. Consultant, Cape Town, SA
"The supercharged tools and techniques has opened a new world for me. David Abingdon's direct, no-nonsense approach to marketing and business development is an absolute must for anyone in business."
Wealth Manager, California, USA
"David, 'you the man!' Here are the keys to business success; a ready-made system with the strategies, concepts, ideas and application procedures which to operate."
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