Every Business Is In The Sales Business


Create, Build, Revitalise And Incentivise Direct Sales To Boost Your Business

Whether it's internet marketing, direct sales, remote sales people or telemarketing, you need to be the best.

Having selected, recruited, trained and supported in excess of 3,000 direct sales people in a variety of industries and markets (tangible & intangible products) and helped my own and other companies make millions, I can advise and assist you in developing and launching your very own commission-based sales teams.

From scratch, I have designed all the front and back office processes and systems that are needed to support and interface with your current structure and to ensure the ongoing success of your operation. This also includes lead generation, advanced sales training, conversion and closing - both online and offline.

Additionally, I can also assist you in development of telephone sales, internet sales and digital & social media marketing…  In fact anything that is sold directly!

The late, great business guru Peter Drucker once said; 

“…Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business has two – and only two – functions; marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results, all the rest are costs.” 

You really can’t put it any clearer than that.

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